The Joint Postgraduate Programme operates in the premises of the School of Education of the N.K.U.A. The P.D.P.E. has various lecturing theatres for lectures and computer labs for the respective lab work, as well as a library.
Most lectures are held at the Maraslio Didaskalio (Marasli 4) where the administrative services are also housed. All theatres are equipped with technological equipment (video and slide projectors, sound systems, PCs) so that technology can be integrated into teaching.
There are three computer labs, at Maraslio, at 31 Hippocrates, and 15 Hippocrates, with 13, 19 and 20 computers respectively. The tota equipment consists of 52 Computers with software including: Microsoft Office, MATLAB, POM-QM for Windows, Mathematica, Python, R, Weka, etc.
The libraries available are those of the School of Education, the School of Medicine, the School of Sciences, and the Student Club. The libraries of the School of Education and the Student Club are located at the heart of Athens. The (four-story) library of the School of Medicine is located in Goudi and the (three-story) library of the School of Science is located in the Zografou Campus. All four lending libraries effectively support the the research activities undertaken by the students by providing a very large number of books and journals, and high quality services.
The sports facilities are located on the Campus. They consist of open courts, an indoor gym and a swimming pool. A variety of programs and sports sections are held.
Detailed information on these services can be found on the websites of the three Departments/Schools, namely the Pedagogical Department of Primary Education, the School of Medicine and the Department of Biology. The services provided are: