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Social Neuroscience, Social Pedagogy and Education


The complaints process is as follows:

  • The student who wishes to file a complaint or an objection can submit the issue in writing, to the Programme Administration, via email at msc-snspe[at]primedu.uoa[dot]gr, copying the Programme's Director too.
  • The administration forwards the student's complaint, along with any additional information, to the Programme's Complaints Committee.
  • The Committee meets in a period not exceeding one month (unless there is an issue of urgency) to examine and investigate the issue.
  • The student's complaint or objection is examined by the Committee, as long as it is related to administrative services and not to the curriculum. Exceptions are complaints and objections with malicious or abusive content, as well as requests with insufficient information or inaccurate contact details which are not examined and not processed.
  • In case the nature of the issue is complex, the Committee may escalate the case to the Study Programme Committee, or to the respective administrative body of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
  • If the Committee deems it necessary, can summons the student for a personal hearing.
  • Within a reasonable period of time and based on the nature of the issue and its urgency, the student is informed by a member of the Committee in writing or orally on the outcome of the Commitee and the decisions made.
  • The response time may vary depending on the type of each complaint or objection and the actions required to be taken to address it.