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Social Neuroscience, Social Pedagogy and Education

First, I would like to thank my professors who gave me the opportunity to participate in the Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program "Social Neuroscience, Social Pedagogy and Education". I consider that I address with sincerity and responsibility to every future candidate who wishes to become a member of this group, assuring them that their participation in the Program will be crucial for both their professional and personal life.

This is clearly a demanding postgraduate course, as are all the courses that are envisioned to train scientists who will be able to shape the future of society and education. In this case, the term "demanding" is not being used in a negative way. Perhaps it would be more tempting to use the English term "challenging" in the sense of "challenge". A challenge for anyone interested in becoming a member of a team that seeks in a scientific way to contribute to the "change they want to see in this world". Because beyond the acquisition of theoretical and scientific knowledge, what I can guarantee is that through this process each one of us will become a "better person". And because I am sure that anyone looking for the terms "Social Pedagogy" or "Social Neuroscience" can easily get a first idea of ​​both the subject of each science and the interconnectedness between them, I choose not to dwell on it. Instead I will focus on the people who are the "heart" of the Course. And they are none other than the professors, who apart from being renowned scientists and excellent teachers, are distinguished by devotion, genuine interest, cooperative disposition, courtesy and humility. Thanks to them, every knowledge we acquire is experiential and each lesson is a unique experience of interaction. I could not think of a more suitable group of people for this Postgraduate Course. I thank them from the bottom of my heart.

Α. D.