Vasileios Tiliakos is a social worker and a social pedagogue with over twenty years of experience on the field of community social work and working with families and children in need in multi-cultural settings. In Greece, he worked in experimental social services of Democritus University of Thrace, in residential care for people with severe mental health difficulties and in the field of youth work and minority empowerment.
Since 2013, he worked as a social pedagogue in County Councils of United Kingdom, training social workers in linking Social Work with Social Pedagogy and being responsible for the practical implementation of Social Pedagogy in Residential Care, Foster Care and Adoption of Looked After Children Services. Meanwhile, he offered his services on the field of Foster Care as an independent foster panel member of a private agency. Vasileios, also, worked as a trainer and development consultant for Jacaranda Recruitment and Development, one of the three main actors of UK’s Social Pedagogy Consortium. Vasileios was, also, one of the founding members of Social Pedagogy Professional Association of United Kingdom.
He returned to Greece on 2016 to work as an area manager of the humanitarian operations of North Greece and a child protection manager of Greece for an international humanitarian organization. Vasileios was one of the founding members of the civic association “Athirma”, an association having as a goal the practical implementation of Social Pedagogy in the daily life of individuals. Since 2018 and onwards, he is working in Greece and abroad, as a trainer and consultant in Social Pedagogy, delivering training sessions and supervisions in humanitarian organizations, Child Protection Services and Human Resources Departments of Multinational Companies.
His academic interest is the interlink of Social Work and Social Pedagogy, the practical implementation of Social Pedagogy in difficult settings, the empowering use of Common Third and the use of reflective practice in professionals’ everyday life.
Vasileios participates in the Interdepartmental Postgraduate Course “Social Neuroscience, Social Pedagogy and Education” of National Kapodistrian University of Athens facilitating experiential seminars in Communication and Reflective Practice, in the Development and Implementation of Sociopedagogical Programmes in difficult settings. He is also coordinating the students’ practicum in sociopedagogical organizations.